Extremists Focus Book Ban Efforts on Cookbooks

While some people want to ban or restrict access to books based on Christian nationalist political views, several new groups seek literary reform by removing access to cookbooks. A strangely named organization known as “Progressives for Library Organization” or just the “PLO” has funded and organized national book-banning programs targeting cookbooks, specifically ethnic food cookbooks. In 2023, they successfully organized 3,458 cookbook bans directed at 598 different cookbooks. PEN America, a literary human rights organization, has labeled the PLO as a book extremist organization bent on the elimination of free expression in food and focused on a fundamentalist North American diet ideology. Another extremist cookbook banning group called the “Make America Gluttons Again”, has also seen similar banning success in at least twelve Southern states. Their primary efforts have been the promotion of Southern-style fried foods cookbooks and restrictions against all other types of cookbooks. The FBI has testified on the dangers of these cookbook extremist groups before Congressional hearings focused on school lunch programs. The National Endowment for the Humanities and the Department of Homeland Security have created a Cookbook Ban Fusion Center to share cookbook ban-related threat information. The President has expressed concern that these extremist groups will next target Taco Tuesdays.