Japan's Moon Lander Lands with a New Perspective

Japan became the fifth nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon. This tremendous accomplishment is not without its challenges though. The lunar lander, named Moon Sniper, is resting on the moon upside down with its solar panel facing away from the Sun and its Earth antenna facing away from the Earth. Despite this, the two lunar rovers survived, one rover hops like a bunny and the other one works like a Christmas toy that runs out of batteries two hours after you unwrap it. Pictures from the rovers confirmed the unfortunate state of the lander. With the small amount of power left in its internal battery, the lander communicated some thoughts on its failed mission and pleaded for help from its partners on the moon. Moon Sniper vowed to carry on with the parts of its mission that it can despite its current orientation. It said that it plans to send some very close-up pictures of the lunar surface from its camera currently buried in the moon's regolith and continue to map out the lunar craters that are very close to it. In its now abundant free time, Moon Sniper plans to compose several long lunar-themed symphonies for a lunar rover orchestra, dabble in lunar haiku, send lunar reports back in Japanese calligraphy, and create new lunar landscapes in the style of Katsushika Hokusai. It also sent a last second request to its follow travelers on the moon to push it over into the right position. However, the hopping rover had just hopped into a larger crater and was hopping around hoping to find a way out, and the toy rover had already run out of batteries. Once the Moon Sniper gets some sunlight on its solar panels and starts up again, the Japanese Space Agency will calm the little lunar lander with some Taiko music, and then ask it to work on some lunar sushi and noodle recipes as well.