Law Firms Seek Conflict-Free Representation to Sue Each Other

Partners at the law firm McNichols, Stewart, and Sweeney have filed a lawsuit against their cross-town legal rivals, the law firm of Keller, Smiley, and Tuhey, over a contract dispute concerning a cleaning fee from the Bay City Legal Gala fundraising event. Neither firm will represent itself. McNichols, Stewart, and Sweeney were originally represented by the law firm of Smithe, Hawley, and Groot. However, a conflict of interest in representation was discovered when Mrs. Groot’s nephew was found to be employed by Keller, Smiley, and Tuhey. Also Keller, Smiley, and Tuhey would have been represented by Bovart, Kline, and Steadmean if it were not for another conflict of interest in which the niece of Mr. Bovart was employed by McNichols, Stewart, and Sweeney. After several rounds of trying to find representation without conflicts of interests, McNichols, Stewart, and Sweeney chose John Smith, Esq. of 1234 North Main St., and Keller, Smiley, and Tuhey chose John Smith, Esq. of 4321 South Main St., which despite their names and addresses are not related, have no conflicts of interest, and hate each other passionately. The trial is expected to be an interesting case in court room management for the judge and potentially explosive testimony and filings over a matter of $100.