Navajo Nation Dispute with NASA May Lead to War

In a stunning move, the Navajo Nation launched a full-scale public relations attack on NASA over its lack of oversight on a private space mission to send the cremated remains of people to the moon. The dispute involves the Navajo Nation's property rights over the moon as part of its religious ceremonies and claims that the moon is an extension of their reservation land. The human remains onboard include struggling writers like Gene Roddenberry and Sir Arthur C. Clark. While the Bureau of Indian Affairs denies there is a Navajo Nation moon reservation, NASA seriously considered denying the inclusion of the remains on the launch to avoid upsetting the politically powerful and nuclear-armed Navajo Nation. Observers of the Navajo Nation point to the Treaty of Bosque Redondo, which ended the Navajo Wars, established the Navajo Nation, and allowed for religious claims over the moon. In 1868 when the treaty was signed, NASA was only in its infancy and struggling to replicate bird-like flight with human-powered wings and building large paper airplanes and kites. Getting off the ground was hard. Going to the moon was not on the strategic road-map yet. The Navajo Nation's Intracontinental Ballistic Missile, the ShiprockX (developed in partnership with SpaceX), has sufficient range to deliver multiple independent nuclear warheads to any of the NASA facilities in the US. The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations in Canada has offered to mediate the crisis.