Orcas Take Fight with the 1% to the Sea

On Tuesday, the Unsinkable II, a luxury yacht owned by Marcus Thays who is heir to the Toberlone family fortune, was sunk off the coast of Morocco. The sinking was caused by a pod of orcas—killer whales. The naturally masked and highly organized gang of anarchists from the criminal side of the dolphin family attacked the yacht under cover of darkness using their black pigmentation to hide their approach. The pod of perpetrators broke the rudder and pierced the hull causing flooding which doomed the yacht to the briny deep. One orca was seen wearing a large 99% t-shirt. This sinking is only one of at least 532 incidents this year in which orcas attacked, damaged, or destroyed yachts and sailboats owned by wealthy individuals. The Orca Behavior Institute stated that this attack, and many others like it, are clear indicators that orcas have changed tactics and are pursuing a more aggressive position against social and economic inequality. Members of the Occupy Movement celebrated the sinking and urged the orcas to continue the fight for economic justice. The US Coast Guard and the FBI formed a new Joint Terrorism Task Force to gather and share intelligence on the Occupy-affiliated orcas. In a press conference, the President spoke of his support for the goals of the orca occupiers but condemned the wanton destruction of property.