Presidential Candidate Issues Plans for a Canadian Border Wall

Weeks after proposing a Canadian border wall in a presidential debate, Republican hopeful Arjun Gupta published his plan for the Canadian border wall and how to finance its construction. Mr. Gupta is a second-generation Indian American businessman who made his fortune in commercial construction. In the plan posted on his campaign site, Mr. Gupta stated that “the time has come to halt the illegal migration of Canadians into the US to steal jobs from hard-working Americans, to smuggle in tons of fentanyl that kills more than three million Americans every year, and to stop the illegal trade in Caribou as domesticated pets.” All of these claims have been proven to be false. The Canada-United States border is the longest undefended international border in the world with a total length of 5,525 miles. Mr. Gupta's plan included the specifications for the wall construction, including spotlights, infrared cameras, sniper tasers, and robotic guard dogs. Total costs are estimated at $50 trillion. Mr. Gupta plans to increase tariffs on imported Canadian goods, raise income taxes for Canadian Americans, and force illegal Canadians captured in America to work on constructing the wall as part of their sentence. The Canadian Prime Minister was frustrated and attempted to correct the inaccuracies about Canada and Canadians stated in the plan. The Congressional Budget Office estimated a four-fold increase in the national debt over the fifty-five years needed to build the border wall. An opinion poll of likely voters taken after the debate showed Mr. Gupta is now the Republican front runner in the race.