Single Trucker Attempts to Protest Police Brutality Arrested Brutally

Thomas James Rudecker, Jr. was arrested after launching his own personal protest against police brutality on a Texas interstate highway. Mr. Rudecker used his semi-trailer truck to drive erratically, swerve between lanes, honk for the little kids as he passed them, and aggressively push pursuing police patrol vehicles into the highway safety guardrails. Over CB radio, Mr. Rudecker called on other truck drivers to join him in protesting police violence by taking similar actions. Most truckers asked him to respect the officers and to drive safely. Using the radio as his own personal opinion platform, Mr. Rudecker described in great detail several conspiracy theories including how the Princess Diana is alive and enlisting Big Tech to monitor and harass paparazzi, that Chinese cucumbers used to make pickles in the US are part of a mind-control plot using CIA-developed drugs, and that the sheriff of Harris County in Texas is a devil-worshiper that holds runaway children at his ranch as part of Christmas candy cult. Harris County Sheriff deputies used spike strips to disable Mr. Rudecker's truck. When he refused to exit the vehicle, the deputies used a malfunctioning robot from the nearby Tesla factory to disassemble the truck around Mr. Rudecker. A police dog was released, which barked at him a couple of times before licking his face excitedly. The deputies then moved in to tase and then arrest him. Harris County Sheriff Ed Finkelstein later told reporters that Mr. Rudecker was a menace to the highways of Texas and that he was not a devil worshiper. He refused to answer questions about the Christmas candy cult accusation.